Sunday, September 15, 2013

Go Big or Go Home

Best of luck to my not so little brother on the first game of his senior season!  Wish I could be there more than anything, but I'll be rooting for you all the way from VA.  Who would have ever thought that the cute skinny kid would turn out to be such a stellar athlete!  


Here's a little game day inspiration from Coach Boone himself...

"You look like a bunch of fifth grade sissies after a cat fight!  You got anger, that's good.  You're gonna need it.  You got aggression.  That's even better you're gonna need that, too. But any little two year old child can throw a fit!  Football is about controlling that anger, harnessing that aggression into a team effort to achieve perfection!"

I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and cannot wait to see what this season has in store for you.  Keep working hard and never forget to have fun!  Go Tigers!!

xo c

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